Exumas Day 2

Lee Price
Sat 23 Jun 2007 22:25
Allen's Cay
Had a nervous night, a thunderstorm was blowing through off shore and I was
apprehensive about my new anchor, it held well so I'll sleep well tonight.
Spent the day pottering, I had a couple of chores to do on the boat this
morning, then I inflated the dingy and headed out on an Iguana hunt. I
thought it might be tricky to find them but as soon as I got off the dingy
there they where. I took photos, will post later.
Came back for a spot of lunch and a snooze then went snorkeling, didn't see
much, a starfish and a couple of other little blue and yellow fish.
Day trippers from Nassau have been in and out all day today on big
powerboats, they stay for 20mins and head off again, seems boring to me.
The water is a light green here, you can see so clearly through it, it's
beautiful to swim in. I haven't missed the Aircon, when I get hot, I jump
in, nice.
Another day in Paradise.
Am heading out tomorrow for Normans Cay where promises of a wreaked plane on
the sand banks await, will let you know.