Day 28

Lee Price
Tue 24 Jun 2008 18:57
Wind Light and Variable
Ooh I don't feel well, but it's not SeaSickness this time. Far too much mixed booze with Gerry, a fellow single hander, last night, till 2am.
Didn't leave Monday in the end, too much to do and too drunk!
Left this morning, sailing has been light, currently though it's great, running with the Spinika between Pico and San Jorge. I didn't intend to come this way but glad I have, beautiful.
The wind started in the NE this morning, obviously being that's the direction I want to go. I'm sure the islands are bending it a bit but hopefully when I get out the other side tonight it'll have backed and build a bit.
New Alternator is fabulas, but when I went to switch the Fridge back on, it wouldn't work, so now I have loads of power and no need of it! Diet will be a little bland as a result. Not that I feel like eating much today ;o)
Stones are on the stereo and all is well, it feels really good to be underway again, I love it.