Whitby thoughts

We’re still on target to catch the 1600 bridge opening at Whitby on Sunday 14 August. Please come if you can. Coming into Whitby, turn right at the roundabout by the train station. You’ll pass a co-op on your right and there are car parks on both sides to leave your car. If you then walk to the river edge and go back towards the town you’ll see the pontoons on your right. There are 2 security gates down to the boats, we won’t know where we will be placed until we arrive. If you’d like to see us come in from sea and/or go through the bridge keep walking and follow the river. We suggest you stay on the left bank and don’t cross over the swing bridge, keep walking with the river on your right. You can walk right to the end of the pier and get a great view of the sea. We’ll be coming in from the north and I guess will be at the harbour entrance about 1530. It’s sometimes difficult to pick out people from low down on the sea but I promise to wave if I spot you, and please do take photos. My mobile is 07544 588151 if you can’t work out where we’ve ended up and need directions, and we’ll come and open the security gates for you. Getting excited now so look forward to seeing you tomorrow. |