Whitby to Scarborough

54:16.88N 0:23.36W We’re off, leaving Whitby Thursday 5 May on the last bridge opening 0745. Winds force 4-5 forecast and so it proves, very cold and right on the nose. We tack religiously for nearly 3 hours before giving up and motoring the rest of the way to Scarborough. Working out times of tides and tidal streams is challenging after sailing in the Ionian and on Ullswater, the best time to leave may mean the tidal stream will be against us or there won’t be enough time to get into the destination harbour – all very interesting. Anyway, safely tied up in Scarborough, which looks much less tacky from the harbour. We stayed here to do jobs and repair a leak yesterday but we’re still here today (Saturday) as the wind is due to get up to F6 and that doesn’t seem sensible when we need to go round Flamborough Head on our next leg to Bridlington. Same forecast for tomorrow so, unless the forecast changes, we’ll leave early on Monday morning for the next hop. Beginning to settle into living in such a small space, what’s needed is bags of patience as whatever you’re looking for is bound to be at the bottom of the box! |