Dale (Milford Haven) to Fishguard

52:00.09N 04:58.44W Away at 0600 and immediately we pick up the favourable tide. No wind (forecast variable 3 or less) so we settle down to motor, enjoying the clear sky, stunning island scenery and smooth sea. There are puffins everywhere, flying past the boat and fishing on the water, as we pass Skokholm and Skomer islands. The area is renowned for strong tides and today is Springs -1 but, even so, we’re surprised to find ourselves swept along with a 5 knot advantage – with no wind and smooth sea the speed over the ground reaches 9.5 knots. Although we can’t sail it’s wonderful not to have the buffeting of wind and waves. About coffee time the dolphins come to play and, because the sea is so smooth, we watch them flying towards us from a distance away. They are so boisterous and one uses an entire breath to lie in the wake of the boat’s stern. We’re early in Fishguard so anchor outside to wait – this is another first and all goes well. It’s so calm that we may stay out here tonight rather than go into harbour, all is peaceful. |