Gosport to Lymington

50:45.02N 01:31.64W Tuesday 07 June. ‘SW 4 or 5, increasing 5 or 6’ – the Rolling Stones song comes to mind at moments like this, ‘Should I stay or should I go…’ Reasons to go: it’s a short hop to Lymington, the tide will be with us all the way and we need to make progress, reasons against: increasing winds right on the nose as we go down the West Solent, and wind against tide, making for a rough sea. We go and are immediately battered by the wind but hardly notice as we have to concentrate on the traffic which seems to come from all directions. The waves build as we move westwards and we meet the biggest seas so far but Juniper stoically deals with them, it’s her crew who find them unsettling! We are sobered by a series of PanPan radio messages to all ships during the afternoon - Solent Coastguard seeking information on an 8m yacht, Harmony of Hamble, believed to be sinking in Southampton Water, and then giving information on the two lifeboat stations and rescue helicopter scrambled to search for her. Just as we enter the Lymington river, we hear with great relief that the PanPan is cancelled as the yacht managed to make her own way to safety and had been lifted out of the water. Photo – the Spinaker tower as we leave Gosport marina. |