Ramsgate in the wind

Juniper sailing round GB
Gordon and Catherine
Mon 23 May 2011 15:43

‘Wind stops play’ just about sums up the current situation – the boat instruments have been showing a consistent wind speed at the top of the mast of 25mph with gusts up to 44, no fun at all.  Still, although it’s so windy, the days are dry and beautiful with blue sky and plentiful sun, so it was a good opportunity to walk along the cliff top to Pegwell Bay this afternoon and escape the boat motion.  So, instead of geography, it’s a history lesson today – did you know that Ramsgate is the only royal harbour in GB?  In 1820 King George IV embarked, with the Royal Squadron from Ramsgate on his way to Hanover. In appreciation of the hospitality he received, he decreed that Ramsgate harbour should have the right to add 'Royal' to its name.   Other delights include this splendid lighthouse (visible from our cabin window) and a wonderful lift to help you descend to the beach, which dates from 1910 and is still in use at weekends.

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