Busy going nowhere (again!)

‘Raindrops keep falling on my head’ gives some idea of the weather but a song with a line like ‘rain and wind lashing against the windows’ might be more appropriate. Still, it’s a good chance to plan ahead so the navigation charts are out on the table. Our next challenge is Portland Bill with the offlying Portland Race, described in the pilot book as ‘the most dangerous extended area of broken water in the English Channel. Quite substantial vessels drawn into it have been known to disappear without trace’. Great! That’s why we’re still in Weymouth waiting for a settled weather break. The weather pattern seems complex at the moment, and it’s made more difficult as we’re about to move from ‘Selsey Bill to Lyme Regis’ to ‘Lyme Regis to Lands End’ so we have two lots to look at. All this talk of Selsey Bill and Portland Bill got me wondering about the definition of a ‘Bill’ so, in case you were wondering too, a Bill is a small promontory. Somehow I expected the definition to be more dramatic as I wouldn’t describe them as ‘small’ when we’re trying to get round them. Photo: The camera got broken on Friday’s voyage so a replacement had to be bought yesterday, this is my test photo. |