Grimsby Fish Dock

53:34.68N 00:03.97W Bridlington Monday afternoon – whoops, forgot to get off the boat before the water dropped and she dried out away from the ladder so had to take photos from the boat rather than of her (if you see what I mean), so this is what a drying harbour looks like from inside it. Also, forgot to bring my bird book so would like to know what this bird is please – there were loads of them on the water’s edge as the tide dropped. Anyway, enough of Bridlington except to say that we left there Tuesday morning and set off down the Holderness coast and to cross the Humber. Still motoring a lot of the way as still a southerly wind but the sails did go up for a while, Juniper handling beautifully. On to the Humber and across our first traffic separation scheme (for non sailors, this is like a ship motorway, complete with roundabouts, where the big ships keep to lanes as they go in and out of busy estuaries). These ships are HUGE and make us feel very small indeed, so I liken the experience to standing on the kerb of a busy road, waiting for that moment to dart out and rush across without getting run over. In reality we chose our moment well as it was low water so it wasn’t very busy but an interesting experience nonetheless. Then on up the Humber, which is an incredibly wide river, to Grimsby where we identified the lock entrance in daylight but then had to sit out and watch the sun go down as we waited for the lock to open at 2200. Passage is through a very old commercial lock into the Fish Dock, which was ablaze with light and activity, and down a cutting into an unexpectedly quiet and peaceful marina. |