Lochinver to Kinlochbervie

Juniper sailing round GB
Gordon and Catherine
Tue 26 Jul 2011 21:06

58:27.36N 05:02.97W Easy morning, then leave at 1345, no breeze and lovely motor out through the loch before getting the sails up.  Once we turned the corner by Stoer lighthouse, wham, the wind hit us and quickly rose to 28 mph with seas to match.  Poor Juniper, back to riding up the wave, sliding down the wave then straighten up ready for the next wave whilst we quickly reef and do all we can to help her.  Still, exhilarating sailing, as close hauled as possible, with the sun sparkling on the bow wave and creating rainbows.  Dramatic scenery adds to the sense of isolation, and we’re now ready to tackle Cape Wrath as Kinlochbervie is the nearest shelter to the Cape and our last harbour on the west coast.  It’s exactly one month since we rounded Lands End so it seems an appropriate time to be moving onto the north coast.  Photos: Mt Suilven as we leave Lochinver, the stack off Stoer, Juniper’s bow wave and, as we enter the calmer waters of Loch Inchard, the beautiful dramatic scenery of the area.


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