Pwllheli to Holyhead

53:19.22N 04:38.52W Firstly, thank you for the messages of support and encouragement received since the last post, they are really appreciated. Mother Nature smiled benignly this morning so we skipped out of Pwllheli at 0640 before she could change her mind. It was great to be on the move again and we passed smoothly through Bardsey Sound to round the Lleyn peninsula and out into St George’s channel. The forecast was W or NW 3 or 4, backing SW later but in truth the winds were light and all over the place, and we had to motor sail apart from one blissful hour of quiet on a close reach under full sail. Still, tied up in Holyhead by 1800 so that was good progress – and I hadn’t realised that Holyhead is on an island, called Holy Island. No wildlife at all today other than the shearwaters who skim across the waves and have been with us every day since we set off, they’re great to watch so I’ve had an attempt at capturing one on photo. Photos: 1) Leaving Pwllheli behind, 2) Sir with scenery in background and 3) water (if you look very closely you may see a shearwater). |