Ardfern to ????

56:12.66N 05:33.47W Breakfast in Ardfern, lunch on the way and supper in Tobermory, that was the plan. Unfortunately, I mucked up big time and put the wrong route into the chart plotter. We’d charted the correct route on the paper chart and entered that into the chart plotter, but the weather was still a bit doubtful this morning so I also did a plan B route to Craobh Haven (pronounced Croove according to Reeds almanac) and put that into the chart plotter too, and somehow made it the current route. So we followed that and kept remarking that we weren’t expecting to turn so far to the right. I did have a glance at the route on the paper chart but managed to make the ‘picture’ fit, and saw what I wanted to see. Big lesson to learn! So we’ve travelled all of 10 miles today although we are through Dorus Mor. Unfortunately, the sailing conditions were excellent with wind in the right direction for a change (though I did point out that wouldn’t have been the case if we’d been going to the correct destination!). So, tied up by 1415 with plenty of time for a walk round the bay and search for some heather to pick – the purpose will be revealed later. |