Weymouth to Dartmouth

50:21.05N 03:34.29W Caught the first bridge lift at 0800 and out into Weymouth bay in bright sunshine and calm seas. Portland Bill was like a pussy cat in a good mood so we slipped gratefully by. The winds were meant to build but it didn’t happen so we happily motor-sailed all day, enjoying a sparkling sea and a great feeling of expansiveness and freedom. After an uneventful journey we saw two porpoises in the entrance to Dartmouth harbour before heading up the river. Dartmouth looks lovely but we need to move on tomorrow if the weather allows so it will be a quick look round and then book-mark for another visit. Photos: got a bit snap-happy with the new camera so 1-3 are waiting to go through the bridge at Weymouth, 4 is the big beastie lurking round the corner, and the last two are Portland Bill (not brilliant but you try taking photos on a moving boat!). Hopefully some of Dartmouth tomorrow. |