3rd Dec Posn and Diary - Part 1
Day 11 and only 45hrs, 301 miles to go before we see sunny white sandy beaches and palm trees in the Caribbean . I cant wait for a few rums !!! The night was in with a full complement of stars in the sky, there was little wind and calm seas. The iron horse was whipped into gear to keep our sea palace cruising towards are destination. At about 0000 I was woken by Eoghan saying that he was going down to the shops and did I want anything. Before I even woke up to realised what was going on Eoghan ran off shouting FISH FISH !!! I quickly got up on deck to hear the shriek of the reel spinning its line out . The sails were quickly taken in and the engine put on. Eoghan was trying to tame the beast at the end of the line as best he could. Seamo rose from his captains quarters to take charge of the hunt. The boat was turned about to try help Eoghan reel in the beast but it was all just too much. The line went slack and you could see that Eoghan wasn't under pressure anymore. The rest of the line was reeled in, to all are disappointment just half the lure was left on the line with no reward. We could have got away lucky though as we all sensed that this could have been a sea beast we were not ready to tame in the middle of the night. 3rd Dec Position at 2000 LT 16:53.4N 056:38.4W COG 270 T, SOG 7.3 kts. Quietly motor sailing somewhere out in the Atlantic. 282 nm to Antigua!!!