1st Dec Posn and Diary - Part 1

Sat 1 Dec 2012 22:18
For those who are not familiar with the ‘Rabbit Rabbit’ celebration,
tradition holds that the first person to say ‘rabbit rabbit’ on the first day of
every month awards them with good luck for the whole month! Skipper Seamus
O’Donnell is the lucky winner today on the first day of December!
It’s hard to believe it’s December and most of you are starting to sing
songs like ‘Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus...’ and ‘Let it snow,
let it snow, let it snow...’ Today was a sunny 30 C, with a light variable
breeze, and glass calm seas. Not so great for the sailing aspect, but our new
Perkins engine is purring like a kitten. We’ve had the main up just for
Also, perfect conditions for some tinkering. Who’s the shiniest boat on the
Atlantic? Hands down, ELVIS MAGIC! After lunch, starting with ‘happy hour’ the
boat was hoovered, washed, and polished from stem to stern, inside and out!
Darren & Eoghan did a seamless job finishing up the stitching on the leather
of the canopy. Pam & Nathan were polishing the super structure while Seamus
followed them with the big buffer. Personally, I was happier than a pig in mud
to have a tube of flitz, wielding a toothbrush, and transforming rusty bits n
bobs of stainless into gleaming brilliance. Wookie even cleaned his
head! We ended the day with a well deserved freezer-chilled beer and an
evening swim in the deep dark Atlantic blue. Darren got stung by a jellyfish or
something that resembled ‘chunk of chicken’ !? But he’s alright now.
1st Dec Position at 2200 UT 16:40.4N 050:18.2W COG 272 T, SOG 7.3 kts.
Motor sailing on a calm starry night. 650 nm to Antigua!