Another day in the triangle

Bardeau returns across Atlantic
Robert Bard
Thu 2 May 2013 11:58
28:38.257N 064:35.645W
Another boring day. Zero wind. Zero everything except food and chocky. The great Houlahan will be serving a MacDonald's Tribute Breakfast this morning whatever that is. Seems that we are racing a Bermudan Storm due to kick in Friday night. Guess when we are due in ! I have instructed one of the Jon's to open the throttle mightily to accelerate the Bardeauian arrival return he will be allowed to waterski behind us later. Feels like a formula 1 racing car at the moment crashing around the waves . We are blasting through the Sargasso Sea at the moment with huge layers of seaweed everywhere. Reminds me of the Great Wall in Gosport, except more of it...
Better go upstairs and make like a skipper..,
The illustrious skipper

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