Let them eat bread and ice cream

Bardeau returns across Atlantic
Robert Bard
Wed 5 Dec 2012 20:32
So at last weather woman in West End near Hamble has got it right. Rolling canyons behind have subsided to mere hillocks: the wind has also dropped to 15 knots giving us the best day yet. Mr Frog the barometer says it's 35c which is hot...too hot. With all this in mind we have decided to sail to St Lucia, where I believe there is a decent Chinese Restaurant. Saw our first yacht this morning in 4 days. Able Seaman Kennedy spoke to the fellow Arc yacht and said we would see them for a drink in St Lucia. You won't, they said, we are stopping at Barbados. Note to ARC head office...can we stop there too????
Such was the calm Genevieve, C.Dundee's Moll and myself decided to complement the steak and dorado cuisine of this evening with our own specialities a la bateau....soggy bottom bread (Gen) and viscous creme de ice...warm....unsettable...trepid...a fusion of runny cream, warm carton custard mercifully much to the relief of the motleys ...hit by a rogue wave...ended up in the bilge. Tomorrow is another day. THEY WILL NOT ESCAPE. Prezzie day again...Animal ears from Animal's parents. .I have adopted them. I have always wanted a new set of elephant ears...Will wear them for arrival...wherever that may be. and ..St Nicks gifts all round...thank you....
El elefantos eared illustrious skipper.