Bermuda Triangle

Bardeau returns across Atlantic
Robert Bard
Mon 29 Apr 2013 12:44
Well the Bermuda Triangle has its purpose! Amazing how it can lead to track errors and strange mishaps in heading.
Conversation with a John this morning when illustrious arose for his 8am ish watch
Morning Rob
Morning John
Wierd thing happened last night!
John: Yes I checked the course and heading you left us on last night ...
Johm:well it doesn't look right...we could miss Bermuda....
Robert : really? Hmmm. The triangle . It's known for its change in ferral compas deviation with massive sudden variation changes and then then you throw Hubble into the equation and kaboom... You have an error in heading.
John. Really? Wow I didn't know that!
Day 2 it's hot and sunny and the sea is being kind . A John caught a tuna yesterday which is now part of the boat heads system. A few squalls hit us last night but I managed to find work to do at the chart table just in time...lunch today looks like being a Houlahan meistercheff Dundee special yet to be revealed...probably because he's still in bed and hasn't a clue himself what it will be.
More to come
The illustrious skipper
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