Someone has to do it
Bardeau returns across Atlantic
Robert Bard
Sat 25 Aug 2012 10:29
Well we pulled into Bayona marina somewhere near Vigo late last night to fuel up and load on some fine Claret and Port. The old trick always works: arrive after fuel pump shuts: Berth on said pump. Fill up at 9 in morning and avoid 120 euro berthing fee !
Getting the right courtesy flag up was interesting. I allowed C.Dundee the honour of selecting the Spanish one kept in a pile of junk under the chart table seat along with loads of other obscure flags from placeS Bardeau has tangled with. First attempt was my Island Sailing Club flag , Nope wrong ! We think we have the right flag up now and are putting the Spanish on the left side and Gibraltar on the right. We will berth port side to in Spain and starboard to in Gib ... Or back in in Gib to avoid nasty confrontation as when we were last there.
Well all firemen cheerful and happy: reminds me of childhood scenes from Noddy and Big Ears with all the ho ho ho and back slapping. They all seem to get on well...this morning at an hour not known in my daily life cycle i was rudely disturbed from my sleep by the sound of 'heyhoooo, heyho heyho its off to work we go.... followed by hammering thudding sawing as three firemen fixed the storm damage from two days ago. Now we are almost good as new. Attempting to show my manly creds I boldly stated I would put the new barometer on the cabin wall. Jill held it in place gazing admiringly as I punch drill holes, drilled in and attached said barometer to wall so that never will it move. Didn't take 15 mins for some smart a** to comment it was upside down. I will get one of the handy threesome to turn it the right way round when C Dundee is in bed and I can blame him for the abomination.
C Dundee chucks the firemen the odd scraps again and they think he's a God !
We ate and drank heartily at the Bayona yacht club last night ..and are now back at sea heading south. Gave Jill my finest puppy dog look this morning whilst pointing out my washing pile on the master suite floor was becoming unsightly again. Sure as eggs she donned her surgical gloves and whisked it all away. It's now hanging off the back drying. Must buy an iron In Gibraltar. I feel she has talents that without a travel iron cannot be fully exploited. Tummies amongst the women are dodgy but I did warn them last night not to eat goose barnacles, squid testicles (I didn't realise they had them but that's what it said on the menu) when you've spent a lifetime eating black pudding and offal. You wouldn't eat them on Ilkley Moor I told Jill so don't eat it here. No one listens though.
I was proved right. My steak it was commented looked and tasted like it came from last weeks loser of the 3.15 at Aintree. I was actually enjoying it until some bright spark made the comment. Thinking of National Velvet I respectfully put my knife and fork down and left the rest. It's now 7 minutes from lunch and C Dundee has arisen. Will discuss menus with him.