special blog. from theothersideofbardeau

Bardeau returns across Atlantic
Robert Bard
Tue 11 Dec 2012 20:40
15 47 N 48 48 W

This is a special blog from theothersideofbardeau as Robert is without communication due to water ingress! We will post the truth until service is resumed.

Well, further to my previous blog, we have now cleared the rain for now, the cruising Shute is up and we are back on route to St Lucia. The turning point was when I remembered that I had a pair of Ms Noble's finest 'Rose tinted Oakleys' this did the trick and I was full of the joys of spring. apparently. bono has a pair just like them.

The update on the Bards electronics is not good, the sat phone and laptop were left in the rain along with the boats hifi and logbook. Currently I am trying the phone and laptop in bags of rice, but I fear the worst.
He is in a foul mood and has taken to his bed , not even his dream lunch of hot dogs, hamburgers and fired eggs cheered him up, a long night watch is now in store, now his communications with the outside world have been severed, I expect that for a small fee he will use mine!

The fridge and freezer have given up and it is a race to cook the remaining meals before stuff turns bad.

We were followed by a blue marlin today about 6 ft long fantastic looking animal, John H decided not to try to land it!

Any emails should be sent to david_walker89 {CHANGE TO AT} yahoo {DOT} co {DOT} uk

The truttsayer!!