Half way moet

Bardeau returns across Atlantic
Robert Bard
Thu 6 Dec 2012 20:26
Violent argument on board. One bottle of Moet, 2 of Cava. C.Dundee calls the Cava Methode Champagnois...we all call it something not suitable for a family blog. 5 voted save fizz for end...1, Animal voted drink it now...so we drank it. Argument over. The exact moment of crossing the half way line was interrupted by Mr Kennedy losing the seventh fish in 2 days ... whenever he approaches the rod...it goes limp. Wendy (Mrs K) please note. In fact so little fish has been landed that there is a hot dog crisis looming. 15 varieties down to three. JK estimates with his sextant and Colonel Norries book of Celestials we have 4 yards of hot dogs left. And so the water became thick with Cava and Champagne corks whilst we approached the line at 12.30....anyway enough of the nautical stuff. The Moet was downed with Chicken Wings (Tribute to the Colonel) and Pizza, (Pizza Hut tribute). Ice Cream and black cherries should have followed but yours truly, the illustrious fell asleep...again...i will do it the Canary way...manana if ever.
Flying fish have been flying past...some must have been to the same flying school as I went to, as every morning we have to scrape those that crash landed on the prom deck off and throw them back in. No other sea life, except a couple of birds. Strange cos we havnt seen any trees.
Now for the daily mid Atlantic weather report. Same as yesterday. Damn hot. Forecast tomorrow damn hotter. Wind has risen...and fallen, and fallen and risen...at moment its about 10 knots on the beam, and the sea relatively smooth, allowing me to sleep properly all day and all night whilst on watch. The motleys listen out and await the gentle snore of their illustrious skipper. They know then that he is on watch and that they are safe in their beds. Today was BB day...Bertie Basset...thank you Mr & Mrs Nash. They had a life expectancy of not a lot...they followed the moet ! I wonder if Chris Columbus wondered if there was a chinese at the other end? At least I have a find a chinese app....the Lord blesses us.
Signing off before I drop off....
Illustrious skkkkkkkippperrrsnnzzzzzzzeeeee