IOW to Lympstone
Astra of Hamble
Jan & Danuta Grieg-Gran
Sat 18 Aug 2012 18:37
50:38.88N 03:25.94W
Fri. Osborne Bay IOW. Early Morgen Bad to freshen up after a night at
anchor, then off to Cowes for some shopping. Middle of Cowes Week, total mayhem.
Fun passage out of the Solent past the Needles, ducking and weaving to get
through the racing fleets. Lovely cruise along the Dorset coastline and anchored
in Portland Harbour. More BBQ mackerel on back deck.
Sat. Round Portland Bill in thick morning mist, then a fabulous, engine
off, sunny sail across Lyme Bay. Escorted into the Exe by a posse of ribs, then
tied alongside Compass Rose whilst waiting for the tide to rise.
Finally into Lympstone Brook with six inches below the keel. Big welcome
party waiting to help us moor up, then PARTY