Eastbourne and IOW

Astra of Hamble
Jan & Danuta Grieg-Gran
Wed 15 Aug 2012 23:31
Tue. After the daytime recovering in Ramsgate, set off for a night passage
to Eastbourne, around 60 miles. Lovely clear night, again light winds.
Lovely sunrise and then the wind got up with a big following sea. Into
Eastbourne marina at 8am.
Wed. Showers and sleep, then off at midday on the bikes to visit sister
Maryanne, who lives in Eastbourne. Big gathering of the Grieg-Gran clan
with sisters, Sigrid and Laila also arriving for a great lunch party in Maryanne
and Gilberto’s garden. Final crew member, David Blight also arrived by
train. Pizza party back on Astra in the evening.
Thurs. Out of Eastbourne on the 6am lock gate. Bit of a bish, bash, bosh
passage at first to get round Beachy Head, then engine off for “big boys” sail
across the bay past Brighton. Mackerel lines out and Chas reeled in ten fish for
supper. Wind died approaching Selsea Bill, so engine back on for final
stretch up to Osborne Bay. BBQ at anchor