13:10.51N 61:16.17W

Noel Dilly
Fri 7 Dec 2012 16:46
"Canouan - 6th December"
We left our mooring under headsail alone and with the wind behind us gently sailed south to the island of Canouan.  We saw many sea birds on our way, Brown Boobies, Bluefaced Boobies, Frigate Birds and Caspian Terns.  We arrived at Charlestown Bay, not a boat boy in sight!   Just as we were about to pick up a mooring, one appeared from nowhere - he didn't want a fee by had live lobster in the bottom of his boat.  No prizes for guessing what we have for dinner tonight, or who was upset to see them squeezed into our pot?  The boat boy also told us that the moorings belong to the hotel on the beach and that Marcus would be along later to collect the mooring fee and by the way, he could get us bread, ice, vegetables etc.  Bread and a huge bag of ice was delivered later and the suggested price negotiated to something more reasonable!
We had a glorious swim to the beach in the turquoise coloured sea and a walk along the sandy beach and discovered an added bonus to the surrounding beauty - the restaurant on the beach had Rum n Raisin ice cream!  I had thought that there could possibly be a trip ashore in the dinghy later, but after our feast of lobster, Mick produced a bowl of Rum n Raisin ice cream for me.  He had rowed ashore earlier, equipped with a plastic container and cool bag and made the surprise purchase.  Fortunately he is a strong oarsman, when he went ashore he had to lift the dinghy out of the water and in doing so, unbeknown to him the stopper to the valve was knocked out.  He arrived back at Whisper just as the last of the air was expelled from the tank.  I was put in mind of the Cadbury's Milk Tray advertisement, when the handsome hero valiantly delivered the box of chocolates to the lady after various traumatic episodes, to the words, "All because the lady loves Milk Tray"!  Well done Mick, what a hero, thank you!