Well done Southampton!

Rhiann Marie - Round the World
Stewart Graham
Sun 20 Feb 2011 12:01
Phuket Sunday 20th February 1742 Local 1042 UTC   
08:10.25N 098:20.38E
I am writing this to you today while serving a self imposed 24 hour horizontal therapy penance.
Now I don't know about the rest of you but most mornings I get up ready to take life on to the full. Normally this manifests itself in a desire to compete and win at whatever the game it is that is being played. Oh and for the record, it is NOT the taking part that counts it's the WINNING! Sometimes however "things" (generally, inconsiderate/ incompetent/ lazy/ dishonest/ unreasonable/ unfair or such like people)  irritate me so much that I just have to get "it" out of my system. This may sound like the utterings of a madman and despite the fact you are probably reading this in the hope of following a sailing adventure, sometimes things just need to be said or just need to be done.
So after my last blog when I am sure you all thought I was perhaps a little hostile or ungrateful for encouraging you not to tell me to "take it easy" etc and to write to your local (x at least 200) Council Leaders, Politicians and Quangocrats instead, let me assure you it was entirely self interest. 
Every time I think about the scandalous waste and inefficiency of OUR -no, not the governments- OUR money, in our politically correct multicultural bloody nambie pambie, it's-your-fault-I tripped-over-the-kerb, look-to-the-state instead of ones self society I almost give myself a hernia, and if my heart was not so strong a bloomin' heart attack would most likely ensue also.
I do think though that perhaps I have overdone the warnings to people not to lecture me on taking it easy, as when I recieved a well wishing e-mail from old friends yesterday advising me not to push myself too hard they felt they had to add "no offence, (we) just care". Once you have all written to your local Oaficials and Bulge-ocrats locally feel free to carry on sending your good wishes. In all honesty I can assure you that every single one of these good wishes is very much appreciated and helps a speedy recovery. 
So ....... I was heartened this morning to read in the Sunday Times (kindle version) that the leaders of the Southampton Council have elected to award themselves a 5.5 percent pay cut. yep hard to believe CUT. Starting from the very top while the very lowest paid would receive a modest pay rise and there would be continuance and even improving of some of the essential services the Council provide. Now that is the spirit of leadership and an example set for every other council in the land Three cheers to the Southampton Council. From my prone position I take my hat off to you - it's a start. Remember however that there are hundreds of council officials, agency and quango leaders up and down the land who pay themeselves more than the prime minister, and will continue to draw that amount of money from us long after they have "retired" - a relative term I know.
That is now of my chest and I will channel my efforts towards recovery and future planning.