Just to be clear...

Rhiann Marie - Round the World
Stewart Graham
Sat 5 Feb 2011 12:07
Penang 5th February 1855 Local Time

There have been a lot of news reports in Scotland about my accident including on the BBC and ITV. With the mews coming from so many sources the reports understandably give a confusing picture of my forward plans.

While it is my intention to complete my circumnavigation the likeleyhood is that that will be next year. First of all remember there are only a few days since I took a break. I have made great progress in that time but a broken back will most likely take three to six months to fully recover.

I think you will all understand that having a solid backbone is required to sail round the world.

The Indian Ocean and the Red Sea have seasonal limits as to when a transit is practical. That window shuts at the end of May so there is very little time for me to allow my back to recover it's strength and make it through pirate alley this year.

However I will assess the situation at the end of February and I promise you you will be first to know!