Saturday night at the movies

Rhiann Marie - Round the World
Stewart Graham
Sat 1 Oct 2011 17:46
Saturday 1st October 1738 UTC 1838 BST       
03:59.28S 014:59.44W
Wind: SE 16 knots, COG 336 Deg True, SOG 7.7 KInots
Not much to report today. My tactics have worked out well and we are now in what is a forecast seam of 15 knots of wind for several days forward now.
The day was fine again and I think my brief transient summer is upon me. 
I now have about 250 mile sto go to the equator.
The day has been taken up with reading and writing and the time has run away with me.
I having a night in tonight and intend to watch a movie as all appears to be settled on the sailing front (famous last words probably!)
Will try to get my priorities right tomorrow and get the bolg done before all other tasks......
It is currie concoction number two tonight so lets hope it is as good as the first one and does not bring me down with anything!