Only 2708 miles to go......

Mike Share & Sammy Byron
Wed 21 Apr 2010 22:48
So we are 48 hours in and have covered 330 miles so far, only another 2708 to go! Thats pretty good going for a small(ish) boat with no 'chute! We've nearly hit 9 knots a few times, maybe with a little help from the current but still flying along (too fast for the fish to keep up I'm thinking....)
Both of us struggling to get back into the rhythm of sleeping and watches etc, another day or two should fix it. We are currently doing 3 hrs off, 3 hrs on during the night and then in the day whoever feels tired can put their head down.
Not much traffic out here, the flying fish and 2 fishing boats in the far distance and that's about it. Our friends managed to run over their unlit nets a few days before us so the further away they are, the better...
We are currently cruising along at 8 knots with reefed mainsail and full poled-out headsail, so making good progress.
Not much to report, Mike still trying to catch some feckin' elusive fish - our fishing gear got the nod of approval from a few successful cruiser/fishos but still no joy. Who know's what's happening under there? We did have bite marks in the leader and an almost straightened big lure hook, so who knows what was after us that night.... Oh and I baked a carrot cake. (Thank god for Betty Crocker!)
We did have the biggest pod of Dolphins escort us out of Galapagos, They were the largest dolphins I have ever seen and we had them all around us jumping and playing. We had about 6 at the bow all vying for best spot doing body turns and looking up at us. Really amazing. I think I would like to come back to life as a Dolphin if I had a choice... Mike was complaining that their sonar was deafening him in the front cabin as he was sleeping (for a change).
Stupidly we are running out of books, can't believe we didn't stock up properly. I am reading the Water Babies and Mike is reading some intellectual book about embedded Religious symbology in fine art...
Better get back to watching the horizon...
Cheerio for now.