Sunday 11th December

Tue 13 Dec 2005 13:20
Position: Soufriere
Bay (The Pitons)
Out on the
sea again.
It was up early and
prepare the boat for the ocean again today. We were off down the west coast of
St Lucia for a 20 mile sail to see the towering twin Pitons.
We set off at 10.30
after filling up with diesel. It was a wonderful sail down the coast
passing Castries, Marigot Bay and Anse Cochon along the way. The scenery from
the boat was magical and when we rounded Caille Point to enter Soufriere Bay we
had both the Petit Piton and Gros Piton in full view. They are two old volcanic
mountains that rise sharply from the sea and are covered in lush green

We anchored up on a
mooring boy and then it was into the water for a swim and the snorkels and masks
came out. Tom and Maurine prepared a salad for lunch and Andy,
Ian, Chaz and Tom Jnr. snorkelled around the rocks. After a leisurely lunch and
a few visits from local craftsmen selling their wares we set loose and started
to make our way back to Rodney Bay. Tollers decided he wanted a lesson at the
helm from Ron so it was auto helm off and we were hand steered all the way back.
After a little zig zagging in the beginning he got the the feel of the boat and
was pushing the boat hard to the wind.
On the way back we
passed a wonderful sail ship that was a five masted cruiser with sails out that
made us look rather small!

We made it into the
marina just before nightfall and settled the boat back into it's berth like and
expert crew! Sundowners were on deck, a special rum punch concoction that Ron
mixed up for us and we planned the evening ahead. The official event was a
Caribbean Night on Pigeon Island be we could not motivate ourselves to go to it.
In the end we set off for the Yacht Club restaurant for dinner.
We had arranged a
boat taxi with Del Boy but when the time came to leave he was out on another
fare so we used another boat, much to Dell's disbelief as he saw us in another
taxi half way across the marina. It was most likely the best wake up call for
him however as he ended up buying some of the crew a drink at the bar later that
evening, unheard of!