Last night at sea on this leg continued with strong winds behind us and we arrived safely off the commercial harbour in Arrecife on schedule at about 0930 (Gib time) which was 0830 (Canaries time). We gingerly found our way into the "new marina" which is not on my charts and not in the pilot. That may be because it is still fully in the process of being built. We are moored up next to a construction site…..! We only knew about it because another Discovery owner, put in touch with me through Discovery, had emailed to say that he was leaving his boat here and then leaving for the Atlantic crossing from here. I had emailed back to ask what he thought of the marina and got no reply. Perhaps, we know understand why not? However, Colin is easily able to make his flight, everyone is happy to be in harbour after 4 days of strong winds offshore and we are slowly sorting ourselves out in order to make a 15 minute trip into town to have lunch. We will get supplies, rest up this afternoon and get a good night's sleep tonight before heading over to a more attractive spot on the North side of Fuertaventura (Corralejo) which is supposed to be pretty and quiet.
More later when we have found the wifi….although I am not sure that is working yet either.