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Tue 14 Feb 2012 13:21
I don't know if anyone is bothering with this blog any more as the ship hasn't been doing anything, until now!
After 4 weeks waiting at anchor off Dakar we were first told to transfer some crew to another vessel that was coming to Dakar in order to get to the port and fly home. This slightly hairbrain idea was fortunately cancelled at the last minute and we were instructed to go towards Algeciras, Spain (Straits of Gibraltar) for further orders instead. The hope was of a cargo from Egypt to Iran.
However, there are or rather were 2 company vessels waiting much closer (anchored off Casablanca actually), now only 1, and so I suspect foul play!! Iran is very close to India, and the very well known shipping graveyard of Alang. With the problems caused by the world financial meltdown and this extending to shipping with container vessels slow-steaming and bulk carriers idling around the ocean, it is hardly surprising that this will be the end.
We are now passing the Spanish Sahara and still waiting to hear what the future holds.........