21:36N 072:25.4E Bhavnagar

Thu 22 Sep 2011 12:30
TO:barryyelland+diary-026603 {CHANGE TO AT} mailasail {DOT} com
SU:21:36N 072:25.4E Bhavnagar
Today we shifted to Bhavnagar anchorage where we shall go through all
the customs and immigration formalities as well as have an inspection
of the vessel by the buyer. In actual fact the vessel was sold a few
days ago.
There are another 11 vessels here all waiting to complete the
paperwork before going back down to Alang for beaching and
demolotion. Strangely enough 1 ship actually sailed out today to go
deep sea!! It has been here since 30th August and obviously the
owners could not make up their minds about scrapping the vessel. In
any case it has been saved, for now at least.