More problems...

Sun 30 Jul 2023 01:48
Well it’s been a rather inauspicious start to our passage to Niue.
We had to leave Rarotonga this morning, earlier than we wished, because the wind was coming from the north and the harbour is very exposed and dangerous in northerly winds. Soon after we left the wind picked up and we had 32kn gusts accompanied by heavy rain which was not pleasant.
After a couple of hours of that I decided to put on the kettle for a cup of tea and discovered we had no water - both tanks were empty. I ran the water maker for a couple of hours which should have given us around 300 litres, but an hour later and the tanks were empty again. Clearly we have a leak somewhere.
To add to our stress, for the first time since we bought it the water maker isn’t working as it should. After a while I managed to get the water maker working again and we have now filled a container and some bottles so we can make tea.
The wind has died down a bit thank goodness and we are now motoring.
The rain hasn’t stopped since we set off, it’s pretty miserable really….