Winds now a bit lighter

Sun 23 Jul 2023 00:14
COG: 222T
SOG: 6.0kn
Wind: 15.1kn
Wind dir: 101T
DTG: 324nm
After our scorching start to the passage things have calmed down a bit which we are grateful for, it was quite full on yesterday.
Today we have had 13-16kn winds from early morning until mid-afternoon, when the wind almost died.
When the wind declined we put on the engine for a few hours which charged the batteries and moved us to some fresh breeze, we also made some water.
We are now sailing with full main and full genoa in around 15kn, hope it stays like this overnight.
If things stay as they are, our ETA is now early Tuesday morning, however the forecast suggests the wind will shift round to the West so we will have to beat in to it for the last few hours.