Half way stock take
Fri 7 Apr 2023 16:23
COG: 241
SOG: 7.2 kn
Wind: 087 18.0kn
Current: Set 070 Drift 0.9 kn
At the half way point we are taking stock of our provisions. We are finding some differences to our Atlantic crossing. The temperature is much higher, making our fruit, veg and eggs go off quicker, sometimes with little warning; that combined with the quality of what we could buy in Panama means we are now at the tail end of our fresh food. We have plenty of potatoes and onions plus some tomatoes, but have now finished all of our fresh fruit apart from apples and some increasingly wrinkly oranges, which are about to be added to the tinned duck confit to make an orange sauce. We have mixed feelings about our new fridge freezer which has allowed us to freeze a greater number of pre-prepared foods, but has less capacity for fresh, perishables. Battery power is always a critical consideration, so the controversial 'beer fridge', (now drinks fridge as we are having a dry crossing) has been turned off. But as you will expect, we are eating well overall and have discovered that we can make an excellent focaccia bread with little cooking time. The boys have not managed to catch any fish yet, despite a couple of near misses. Once all the freezer meals are gone, they may be incentivised! Off to make coconut milk and blueberry pancakes for breakfast now.