It's not raining!...

Tue 8 Aug 2023 22:05
Location 18:31.134S 172:02.158W

COG: 266T
SOG: 3.9kn
Wind: 7.8kn
Wind Direction: 349T
Distance to go: 112nm

We have now left Niue and we are en route to Vava’u in Tonga.
I’m very happy to report that it’s a lovely day today with a gentle NW breeze and sunshine, which makes a very pleasant change.
The weather in Niue was pretty unpleasant, with strong winds and constant rain for the duration of our stay, I was very glad to leave.

We didn’t really get much of a chance to explore there, but we did see a few of the infamous Niue sea snakes swimming past the boat when we were moored.
Apparently they are one of the most deadly creatures on the planet with a venomous bite that is more dangerous than that of the cobra, I didn’t swim whilst we were there.

I’m looking forward to arriving in Tonga which is supposed to be a nice cruising area.
Hopefully there will be some decent supermarkets and bars.