On our way again...
Thu 30 Mar 2023 14:10
COG: 265
SOG: 5.2 kn
Wind: 181 8.4 kn
We left San Cristobal at 06:30 this morning, now fully stocked with fuel.
For others who may be interested, there is no fuel dock - diesel is brought in jerry cans from the petrol station - but fortunately this is included in the price.
In another bonus, there isn’t any additional charge to go ashore so we went and bought a few fresh provisions and had lunch ashore.
We had some very nice sushi, fresh fish had to be the best thing to eat here.
During the evening an extremely large seal decided that our transom would make a good bed for the night.
As with the seabirds, this was entertaining for about as long as it took to get a couple of photos but got old rather rapidly.
When I went to bed I quickly realised that I would be sleeping very close to an extremely loud and gaseous fishy Billy Bunter.
Not a pleasant or restful experience!!
We are now sailing towards the next waypoint at 05:00S 97:00W, which is good - however the required course is 240 and we are currently making 265.
I’m hopeful that the wind will Back from S as it is currently to SE and lift me up towards my destination.
Fingers crossed...