Are we there yet?....
Fri 14 Apr 2023 15:54
COG: 246T
SOG: 6.0 kn
Wind: 087T 12.8 kn
Current: 0295T 1.2 kn
08:00 local time (UTC -8)
900nm to go.
Well we have had everything over the last 24 hours - from very little wind to 26 knots last night and from Southerly to North Westerly.
It’s been painful to be honest, we have been going for 23 days now and we are all suffering from lack of sleep in the rolly conditions so getting a bit fed up and very much looking forward to our arrival. On the rare occasions when the wind is from the right direction with adequate strength the computer is predicting our arrival in 5/6 days - but that seems very unlikely at the moment. Most of the time we are gybing either side of the rhumb line and 30 degrees off course so a more realistic ETA is 8 days. Hopefully at some point we might get some of the trade winds which i have heard rumoured are supposed to blow in these latitudes and we might start making some progress towards our destination. Fingers crossed…..