Making good progress! :)

Sat 15 Apr 2023 14:47
COG: 278T
SOG: 6.4 kn
Wind: 107T 12.8 kn
Current: 267T 0.8 kn
Distance to destination: 766 nm
As a very pleasant change we have had Mummy Bear winds for the past 12 hours, not too much, not too little and in broadly the right direction. We are pretty much on course and at the moment making good progress towards our destination, aided by the current which was as much as 1.5 knots for some time last night.
Unfortunately there is another big area of light wind forecast near the Marquesas for Tuesday which we will have to circumvent before we get there.
With just over 750 miles to go I am hoping we should arrive in about 6 days…. fingers and toes crossed.