Light blues
Wed 12 Apr 2023 19:29
COG: 280T
SOG: 3.9kn
Wind: 96T 11.7 kn
Current: 345T 0.5 kn
After a few days of good winds and progress, with an ETA of 7 days promised…. we have now hit a light patch. Another 10 days is predicted if these conditions continue, which has created a small blue funk on board. Even watching Moana doesn’t seem to have lifted the spirits.
I have had to get the 1000 piece jigsaw of St Basil’s out which is code for, shit we are pretty bored now, and tells you things are pretty flat, wave and otherwise.
I (Jan) am currently also the undisputed shithead, just for good measure!
I'm also recalculating our provisions. Still got lots in the freezer and dried and tinned foods, but we are down to our last apple and a few manky oranges which have been strangely unpopular. I imagine a bottle of wine might cheer things up a bit, but we have committed to being dry for the journey. No-one wants to weaken, but if anyone did, I imagine there wouldn’t be a long debate. We will see.
Looks like a bit more spinnaker practice is also on the cards for this afternoon. Hopefully tomorrow will be more joyous.