Arrival in Baiona

Mon 19 Sep 2022 12:27
Fuel consumption: 1.6 miles to the litre or 5 litres per hour when cruising.
We arrived in Baiona at 13:00 and spent an hour getting hot as we circled the marina looking for a fuel pump (among the three advertised) that was actually open. Now moored up, we are all hunkered down below - out of the sun.
On the journey, we ran a little experiment and found that it was possible - with much faffing - to get the Yankee out on the pole for light downwind trips. This should have been easy except that the pole wasn’t attached to the track in the mast. A surprised Stuart was left clutching it by it’s centre, perpendicular to the bow - giving the overall impression of a tightrope walker.
Note to crew: it’s a dip pole not an end-to-end.