Bequia it is.

Tue 29 Nov 2022 20:23
13:28.2N 59:43.9W
A quick update on our predicament.
The Barbados harbour master eventually replied.
In short, he told us to get lost.
Luckily, we had time to get some frozen curry out of the
freezer so its not all too bad.
The crew are now very sweaty having done two gybes in
quick succession, fighting through our cat's cradle of foredeck.
This includes switching the pole halyard, pole
preventer, Yankee sheets (of which seem to be sawing in half at an alarming
rate), pole downhaul, and main sail preventer.
Having made some interesting squiggles off the north of
Barbados, we will hopefully trundle in a relatively straight line and arrive in
Bequia for Breakfast.