Day 4 Surprise Chicken Curry

Sun 20 Nov 2022 17:53
16:15.7N 034:14.1W
Average Speed: 7.5kt     Trip: 545nm    Wind: E F6.     Yippee! more than a quarter of the way there!
To add to the confused seas from the east and north we were further dumbfounded by last night's frozen chili morphing into a chicken korma, engineering department style.n
We haven't had the engine running since Thursday evening and we are making cracking progress but quite a sleigh ride yesterday. Lovely starry night with some phosphorescence. The wind was 10-15kts more than forecast so the boat was doing 8-9kts in a force 6 gusting 7 with only a 25% of the main and Yankee up.  Max wind speed 34kts. Wave height 3-4 meters and confused.
This morning the wind dropped to a steady 6 and the sea has calmed to follow us at about 2-3 meters. so life onboard no longer involves bouncing off so many walls as we move about.
Iain emptied the fridge this morning to hunt down a funny smell that had developed.  He couldn't find the smell, but it was attributed to one of the Spanish cheeses from Las Palmas so we decided to eat a load of cheese for lunch which was excellent.  The wind is forecast to be lighter in the days to come so whilst we may not make such good progress the sea state should get flatter.
All looking forward to He's spaghetti bolognaise or a chili this evening.  I'm sure it ill be good what ever it turns out to be.