Day 2. Off Coast of Western Sahara

Fri 11 Nov 2022 15:20
24.48.3N 17.59.5W
Average Speed: 6kt. Trip:
237nm. Wind NNE F2.
The first night at sea went well but we tried to pack to
much into our evening and ended up eating in the dark.
The wind has died off but we are
still maintaining a good speed considering the conditions. With plans to
eat before sunset (6:30) we have already started to chef up our chicken
curry - taking advantage of the flatter conditions to put a bit more love
into our food. As you might be able to guess, food has already become quite
We also had a big spring clean of the interior and
cockpit. It has definitely boosted spirits - always nice to be living in a clean
environment. The next chore, that Skipper has taken upon himself, is to see if
he can decrease the sensitivity of the autopilot. He says this is to save our
batteries, but we all know its to make it quieter while he sleeps. As I write,
he has just deleted the autopilot calibration... This means we might have to
take the sails down to re-calibrate, oh well.
The wind is due to pick back up tonight so we are
preparing ourselves as best we can.