Day 2 Under 2000 miles to go.

Fri 18 Nov 2022 16:02
7.2kt. Trip: 162nm. Wind: ENE
We have had some excellent sailing so far and last night
overtook two French boats that set off in front of us. The wind turn right
at the same time as us (it must wait for the butter to melt too) so we are
sailing with a poled out Yankee goose winged, down wind again. Waves were
2m but have now flattened to about 1m.
The Arc Plus fleet set off at lunch time today so they
are currently 160 miles behind us but I'm sure the faster racing boats will
be catching us up in the next couple of days.
Everyone is settling into the slow pace of ocean
sailing. Most of the discussion is about food or the books we are all
reading. Yesterday evening's curry was excellent and tonight we are having
one of our pre-prepared Spaghetti Bolognais,e so nothing to-do in the galley
this afternoon.
The Chief Communications Officer took two Stugeron on departure and hasn't
been seen since.
Thanks Mandy for the text wishing us all a safe journey.