Day 10 - Saturday 26th November 2022 - Meatballs for Dinner

Sat 26 Nov 2022 20:09
15:15.1N 051:45.9W
Average speed still 7.3kts Trip:
1,590nm Wind:
E 4-6 Distance to go: 569nm
But we have had an email back from Port St.
Charles. They have a berth for us!! Very
So we have an alternative distance to go of 485nm and a
choice between arriving in Barbados on Tuesday morning at about 11am or in Port
Elizabeth, Bequia at 11pm. I think most of the crew are getting tired of
being lashed to the wheel so Barbados may be our current favourite,
but that supposes we keep up good speed.
We are all getting excited about dinner tonight. Hector
has been excused his afternoon shift steering, so he can make us his special
Meatball served with vegetables and tomato based sauce on a bed of
pasta. It smells delicious.