Day 3. Becalmed in the Atlantic

Sat 12 Nov 2022 15:05
22:43.4N 018:00.4W
Average Speed: 7.2kt.    Trip: 426nm.    Wind NNE F2.   Dist to Destination (Mindelo) is 449nm.
We have been motoring since midnight.  The Atlantic is very calm and it was a beautiful starlit night. Shift pattern is 3 hour on 9 hours off which is working very well. 
The chicken korma was very good but perhaps lacking a little in spice. (Spices put on the list when we reach the Cape Verde).  A double portion was made so that is a ready meal in the freezer.
We successfully managed to re-calibrate the autopilot and YES setting it to "solenoid" decreased its sensitivity so skips was happy.  But then it started error faulting with lost comms beeping every 10 minutes.  After much searching we fixed this by turning on the aft starboard controller (one of three controllers but apparently the master).  Now all is good.  George is satisfactorily un-responsive and Skips can sleep until 4 am when the deep sea seal on the propeller shaft started squeaking.  Argh Skips was grumpy.  Turns out not to be the deep sea seal that needed repeatedly burping but the anode brush contact to the prop shaft that needed lubricating with fairy liquid.  All now peaceful on the good ship Nijinsky.
Skips was bored this morning so he wanted us to try putting up the No 1 spare Genoa instead of the Yankee.  Turns out the "No 1" is actually an 85% jib and much smaller, so it was taken down and the Yankee put back up and furled away because there is no wind.
Showers work well on the boat and we all had a self cleaning session this morning.
Food for tonight is spaghetti bolognaise.  Again we will make a double portion and freeze half.  We will need to choose a nice wine to with the Spag Bol!