Cape St Vincent was challenging

Sun 2 Oct 2022 20:26
Very challenging day. 06:30 alarm but alternator didn’t want to play so departure was delayed until 08:00.
During this wait a boat moored in front of us which had been played with by 4 Orcas in the bay outside. His rudder was bent in half.
Fortunately they don’t seem to like bigger, old, knackered boats Especially green ones.
Motored down towards Cape St Vincent then got some good sailing in before wind went on the nose at 29kts and seas were very lumpy and 3-4m.
Got here about 18:30 and with the wind and waves we surfed into the entrance between two lighthouses at about 10kts.
Then Ho announced we had run out of tonic. Disaster, but he found a shop and normality was restored.
Spaghetti Bol was excellent.