Day 6. Arrival in Mindelo

Tue 15 Nov 2022 11:30
16:53.1N 24:59.5W
Average Speed: 7kt. Trip:
883nm. NNE F4/5
We have just taken on fuel in Mindelo and been told that
we can use a berth, which is very exciting.
Reports have reached us that yesterday's blog didn't go
through. This is odd as it seems to have left the outbox. It may be because we
attached some pictures... and it therefore could be somewhere else on the blog?
- we will need some wifi before we can troubleshoot the problem properly.
There's a few chores to do but I think we are all very
happy to have arrived relatively problem free and are looking forward to doing a bit of exploring before we head off
on the crossing.
N.B. if you are trying to contact us privately, we are
no longer in the EU. Therefore, calls and data etc are a bit mental. Hopefully
we will find a bar/hotel that has good enough signal for calling home and/or
receiving mail from our adoring fans - of which I'm sure there are many.