Day 4. Sailing south west 150nm off the coast of Mauritania

Sun 13 Nov 2022 15:53
20:39.2N 021:56.1W
Average Speed: 7.1kt.    Trip: 592nm.    Wind N F4.   Dist to Destination 285nm.
We turned off the engine at 07:30 and sailed on a broad reach at about 5-5 to 6kts.  Wind has picked up during the day and we are now running downwind at 7.5kts with poled out Yankee, poled out staysail and preventer set on the main.  Wind looks good for the rest of the voyage so ETA Mindelo is likely to be early Tuesday morning, hope they have a berth but we will probably be anchored out in the bay because we are late to the party.
Continuing with our cleaning theme we have managed to do most of our clothes washing but definitely need to buy more pegs in Mindelo.
George is performing well but occasionally (once every 3-4 hours) forgets how to communicate with his Garmin brain. Despite this we would still give him a B for achievement and effort.
(Perhaps Neil could speak to Garmin on Monday and find out if during the installation set up we should select Class A Drive, Class B Drive, Solenoid or "Other" for the 12V Anderson Pump.  We did have it set to "Other" but it was using too much power.  We have now set it to "Solenoid" and it is a lot better i.e. slower response and less power hungry. BUT occasionally we get " Autopilot  CCU Lost communication with ECU" error.  Do Garmin know what is causing this and which drive we should select?)
Last night's Spaghetti Bolognaise was excellent and tonight we are all looking forward to Skips' Chicken in Cream and Garlic sauce with boiled potatoes pan fried in garlic and assorted vegetables.  Should we have white or red wine?
We have just been joined by a school of about 20-30 dolphins playing in our wake on both sides of the boat. Fabulous to see.